About Us
From large brands to small, we all have a story to tell. The key is finding what makes you unique- what makes you different? The key is how to tell the story, who to tell the story to, and how to grow your business through these public and media relationships.
That's where we come in.

Our Services
MKP Creative is a public relations and marketing team with two locations in Portland, Oregon and Cleveland, Ohio serving companies across the United States. We specialize in Media 2.0, Social Media, traditional PR campaigns, Viral Marketing, Integrated Marketing campaigns and copy writing, specifically for SEO and web based projects.
Contact MKP Creative for samples, a client list, and quotes on projects. Gather your friends or co-workers for a Social Media Seminar and receive a group discount.
Let's Get Social
We keep our followers up to date regarding Public & Media Relations, Digital Strategies, Client Press Hits, Best Practices and Social media.
We share updates and photos from clients, as well as updates on MKP Projects.
Let's connect and chat about what's new in digital media, marketing and social media on LinkedIn.