About MKP Creative

From large brands to small, we all have a story to tell. The key is finding what makes you unique, what makes you different? The key is how to tell the story, who to tell the story to, and how to grow your business through these public and media relationships.
That’s where we come in. At MKP Creative, we specialize in guiding you through all aspects of your brand and how the public and media reacts to your story. We build the road map, join you on your journey and watch you grow along the way. From these strong roots grow dynamic and successful brands. How can we help you grow? Contact MKP Creative today for a free consultation and together we can build the road map that leads to your success.
Happy Clients
Cups of Coffee

Maggie Palmer

Scott Orth
Web Marketing Director

Allison McGillivray
Communications Associate

James Kurtz
Creative Director